

    Vincent Lorphelin





  • Strategy consultant

    AI, blockchain, metaverse

    from scale-up to major corporation

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    AI, generative AI, blockchain, crypto, web3, metaverse
    Metaverse technology
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    Company strategy, risks, opportunities, intellectual property, impact
    AI and mass manipulation
    Crypto : the threat of chinese patents
    Granting human rights to machines
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    Trends, goals, business plan, press communication
    Generative AI and copyright
    Digital sovereignty
    GenAI and decentralization
  • Interviews

    Visions, commentaries and projects

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    The spatial computer of Apple

    "Killer apps" will give the general public reasons to buy a mixed reality headset
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    AI towards decentralization ?

    With "liquid property", the working capital of the economy is no longer money, but creative content.
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    For European metaverse

    "The metaverse risks becoming yet another instrument of our digital colonization".
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    100brevets. tech finances invention

    This innovative structure enables startups to co-own their patents.
  • Books, Conferences

    Digital economy, new uses, innovation policy, entrepreneurship

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    The Entrepreneurs' Republic

    A counterpoint to "Startup nation"

    Innovation policy reveals a lack of collective vision. Experts are at a loss to understand the transformations underway. All this requires them to return to the microeconomic mechanisms of these transformations, the consequences of a single fact: the mutation of the economy itself.

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    Money tectonics

    Anticipate a new monetary system

    While the commercial and judicial domination of the dollar has made the world a monetary continent as compact as Pangaea, this continent could be shattered, as if by plate tectonics, into three pieces, each dominated by a major currency: the crypto dollar, the crypto euro and the crypto yuan.

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    The social role of the Enterprise

    Preparing the Pact Act

    New expectations of the enterprise have refocused thinking on its role in society. The "Society Contract" Commission, led by Antoine Frérot, CEO of Veolia, examined the relevance and timeliness of changing the definition of the company and its governance.

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    The economical rebound of France

    The XIXth century lessons

    As in 1889, when the Eiffel Tower was built, France can bounce back brilliantly by banking on innovation and surfing on the entrepreneurial passion of the French. Despite accumulated technological delays, new uses are an inexhaustible economic engine.


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    L'iconomie, un modèle de l'économie numérique

    Essai de théorie économique

    The modern economy developed from the end of the 18th century onwards, based on the synergy of mechanics and chemistry, to which was added, towards the end of the 19th century, the use of oil and electricity. In the 1970s, it gave way to the digital economy.

  • Think tank

    Founder of Controv3rse, Co-President of Institut de l'Iconomie

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    Federate key people

    70 influential business leaders and experts

    Report to Parliament: Generative AI and copyright

    Directory of 1000 influencers of emerging technologies

    Senate hearing: Commission on the Duty of Digital Sovereignty

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    Theorizing the digital economy

    A critical contribution to academic knowledge

    The Institut de l'Iconomie helps political and economic leaders steer the digital transition.

  • Inventions, inventors

    Strategy, brain storming, financing, patent angels, filing, patent pool, valorisation

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    US9723059 - Method an collaboration system

    US11335065 - Method of construction of a computer-generated imaged and a virtual environment > SOLD

    EP0760982 - Protected software rental using smart card > SOLD

    FR2866749 - DVD player with controlled for use > SOLD



  • Contact

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    v.lorphelin at gmail.com